
Quality Counts Acquires L2 Data Collection

Mark Shields
June 25, 2024

QC Acquires L2 Data Collection

We are pleased to announce that L2 Data Collection has joined the team at Quality Counts (QC)!

QC and L2 have a shared commitment to their core values; respectful and open relationships with clients, an emphasis on field safety and quality of work, and developing an experienced and resourceful data collection team. This acquisition will allow L2 customers to have access to a number of additional benefits including:

- More branch locations - 14 in total, serving all fifty states and Puerto Rico

- QC Hub – QC’s project management platform for transportation data collection efforts

- DataLens – QC’s AI-driven product for analyzing traffic video and producing high-resolution turning movement count and near miss data.

- DataPoint – QC’s intuitive and secure transportation data platform used to upload, store, and share your midblock, turning movement count, and bicycle/pedestrian data.

- Nationwide UAS (drone) and fixed-wing aerial data collection services.

- CARS (Curve Advisory Reporting Service)technology for Horizontal Curve Assessments.

- A broad assortment of traditional data collection services made capable by QC’s vast inventory of video recording systems, automatic traffic recorders, side-fire radars, and much more.

Earlier this month, L2 Data Collection celebrated twenty years in the data collection business. As long-time clients may remember, L2 was a pioneer in providing outsourced data collection services in the Utah – Idaho region. Early efforts and eventual success would simply not have been possible without the trust, collaboration, and working relationships with so many valued clients. We sincerely thank you and look forward to many more years of supporting your innovative projects and important work.

So, what does this mean going forward? The focused goal for the partnership is a seamless transition for both our clients and teams. Soon you will begin to see the QC name on cost proposals and invoices.  Otherwise, your regional staff is the same and our unwavering commitment to provide quality data is the same.

We are eager to meet clients, learn about regional firms and better understand how we can enhance the value and products you currently receive.  If you have any active data collection projects with L2, you can expect follow-up communication from Peter Kurtz, COO of QC, to transition your work and contracts from L2 to QC. L2 will be assisting QC with all company transactions related to our client business projects. We are thankful for and look forward to the opportunity to provide transportation data collection services to prior L2 clientele.                                                 

Mark Shields
As Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Mark is responsible for QC’s Proposal, Business Development, Marketing, and DataPoint Sales teams. Starting at QC as an Operations Manager, his project management experience involves methodology development, scoping, overseeing fieldwork tasks, data processing, and delivery for efforts ranging from small TIAs and neighborhood counts through state coverage programs and nationwide research projects.